Blackberry Hacks Roblox

  1. Blackberry Hacks Roblox Jailbreak
Sep 2nd, 2019

The Blackberry Secret Codes is a secret code for a blackberry phone. There are many secret codes you can use for your blackberry device. When you use or try. Please remember when roblox crashes or you quit go to your task manager and close roblox ok then the hack will work normallyDownload:!cSoUBR.

Blackberry hacks roblox jailbreakBlackberry hack roblox

Blackberry Hacks Roblox Jailbreak

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  1. --This script was created by Xcrossy
  2. --ENJOY!
  3. -- This Script Grabs all Collectables Wild Berry Bushes & Black Berry Bushes & Mushrooms!!
  4. --Variables
  5. Foraging = game.Workspace:FindFirstChild('Foraging')
  6. SpawnPoints = Foraging:FindFirstChild('SpawnPoints')
  7. print('Found Both Foraging Folder And SpawnPoints Folder And Bushes') -- Print That The Script Founded The Bushes
  8. --Scripts
  9. if bush:FindFirstChild('Blackberry Bush-1') then -- If Found Blackberry Bush
  10. print('Found Blackberry Bush') -- Tell the player that you found a blackberry bush
  11. local BlackberryBush = bush['Blackberry Bush-1']
  12. local Blackberry = BlackberryBush['Blackberry Bush']
  13. fireclickdetector(BlackberryCD)
  14. elseif bush:FindFirstChild('Red Mushroom') then -- If Found Mushroom
  15. local RedMushRoomModel = bush['Red Mushroom']
  16. local MushRoom = RedMushRoomModel['Red Mushroom']
  17. fireclickdetector(MushRoomCD)
  18. elseif bush:FindFirstChild('Wildberry Bush-1') then -- If Found Wildberry Bush
  19. local WildberryBush = bush['Wildberry Bush-1']
  20. local Wildberry = WildberryBush['Wildberry Bush']
  21. fireclickdetector(WildberryCD)
  22. end
  23. wait(1.2)
  24. Title = 'Grabbed!'; -- the title (ofc)
  25. Text = 'Berrybushes & Mushrooms & Blackberry Bushes has all been grabbed (: (SCRIPT MADE BY XCROSSY)'; -- what the text says (ofc)
  26. Duration = 7; -- how long the notification should in secounds
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