Leaderboard Hack Roblox Script

Players will be able to see important stats like how much gold they have, the number of items in their bag, and the max number of items they can hold by looking at a leaderboard.

Leaderboards won’t save information between games. If a player leaves a game, they’ll lose any information in their leaderboard.

RBXRank - Roblox Player Tracking See Leaderboards Top Developers. Top Roblox developers ordered by total time spent in studio. Top 100 Top 1000. Im trying to get data to show from a PlayersGui onto the leaderboard but nothing seems to work, i have asked on the forums but cant seem to get the help i need. Here is my current script, can someone tell me what is wrong/what i am missing. (it doesnt show up the leaderboard, just my name). The Roblox download account hacker tool deals with the most secure scripts and modules which make the whole process undetectable by the victim. It is free from any password or security keys so you can instantly use the tool after installation. It let you hack as many accounts as you want without allowing into the victim’s knowledge.


Setting Up the Leaderboard Stats

Whenever a player is added to the game, they’ll need to be added to the leaderboard along with code for tracking the individual stats.

  1. In the Explorer, under ServerScriptService, create a new script named PlayerSetup.
  1. Delete Hello World and write a descriptive comment.
  1. After the comment, create a custom function named onPlayerJoin with a parameter named player.
  1. In onPlayerJoin, create a variable named leaderstats, and have it create a new Folder Instance. Naming the folder leaderstats lets Roblox Studio know to create a leaderboard.
  1. Name the new Folder instance leaderstats, and parent it to the player.
Troubleshooting Leaderboards

Make sure that you name the variable and the new instance leaderstats. Without this, Roblox won’t know to create a new leader board.

  1. After the end of the function, connect OnPlayerJoin to the PlayerAdded event. Whenever a player joins the game, the onPlayerJoin function will run.
Don't Test Yet

If you test the project now, you won’t see a leaderboard. This is because the leaderboard doesn’t yet have any stats to display.

Tracking Player Gold

Now that a leaderboard is created, it needs to show the player these numbers:

  • Gold - How much money the player has.
  • Items - How many items the player has collected from the world.
  • Spaces - The most items a player can hold at one time.

Each of these numbers will be an IntValue, a placeholder object for a number.

  1. In OnPlayerJoin, under leaderstats.Parent = player, type local gold = Instance.new('IntValue').This creates a new IntValue and stores it in the variable gold.
  1. Type gold.Name = 'Gold'. This gives the IntValue a name so you can use it in other scripts. The name will also be show up on the leaderboard.

While this project uses the name “Gold”, students can use other forms of currency that better fit their theme like “Rubies” or “Gems”. To help students remember the exact spelling and names, have them write down the name in quotations on the Adventure Game Cheat Sheet handout.

  1. On a new line, type gold.Value = 0. This makes it so players don’t start with any gold
Using .Value

While variables are normally changed using = as in myNumber = 10, an IntValue is changed using its Value property, like myIntValue.Value = 10.

Custom Leaderboard Roblox Studio

  1. Type gold.Parent = leaderstats. This parents the IntValue for gold to leaderstats. If the IntValue is not parented to leaderstats, players won’t see it.
  1. Play your game and notice that a leaderboard appears in the top right.
  • Make sure that .Value is capitalized.
  • Make sure that the variable for the IntValue is parented to the leaderboard like gold.Parent = leaderstats.

Track Player Items and Spaces

  1. Add a blank line after gold.Parent = leaderstats. This makes it easier to see where the code for different IntValues starts and stops.
  2. After the blank line, create a stat for Items by setting up a new IntValue the same way you did for gold.
  1. Create a new stat for the player’s bag spaces. Set spaces.Value to 2 so players start the game only being able to hold two items at once, encouraging them buy a new bag as soon as they can.
  1. Test the game. Players should have a leaderboard showing Gold, Items, and Spaces.
Leaderboard Not Working As Expected?
  • If you can’t see the number on the leaderboard, check that each IntValue is parented to leaderstats.
  • Make sure each IntValue is spelled exactly as shown
  • Check that the PlayerAdded event is at the bottom of the script

These documents are licensed by Roblox Corporation under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Roblox, Powering Imagination, and Robux are trademarks of Roblox Corporation, registered in the United States and other countries.

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Leaderboard Hack Script Roblox

JJsploit is a free Roblox exploit that allows you to run scripts, has a nice GUI, auto-update httpget support, you can create many interesting scripts yourself and add them to the preset. Of the minuses, I can only say that every time when updating from the side of the Game anti-cheat, JJsploit stops working and needs to be pumped after the release of a new version. Based on the facts from the forums, it can be said that a wave of account blocking by JJ users has passed not so long ago, which makes it not particularly safe for use in the game, we recommend that you consider alternative options, which are now enormous.

About JJsploit

The new version of JJsploit is a convenient executor script for Roblox, it will help you use interesting scripts that simplify the game. Various bots, cheat stats, teleporters, speed hacks, fly hacks and much more. GUI is very similar to RedBoy. There is the creation of pre-selected scripts and convenient start them with one button. Using any scripts in Roblox is quite simple if you know which DLL injectors to use. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with our guides for setting up and launching any exploits and their top list.

Download JJsploit

You can download JJsploit from our website or from the site of developers. Do not use different versions from other sites. There is a test version that lasts about 1 hour, you can use it, in any case, the download link will be at the end of the article.

When downloading any programs or exploits for Roblox, you have the opportunity to download the virus and suspend information on your PC danger, we advise you not to download various files from untrusted resources (except for txt)

Although JJsploit has an auto-update function, it does not always work, so you should periodically check the relevance of the version for your security.

Installation instructions are pretty simple, to download JJsploit go to our forum, and register. DLL files that are needed to use the LCD script are always interesting for antiviruses, therefore we advise you to use them more carefully.

  1. Download archive
  2. Unzip
  3. Register
  4. Download script

Scripts in Roblox

Roblox scripts have a huge impact on the game itself, for each mode, anyone familiar with programming languages can write a script by creating a bot or cheat.

What is a script?

A script is a text code that launches certain actions in the game, creating a certain sequence and periodicity, you can create your own bot image for auto farm or cheats for convenient aiming at the target, find out where the enemies are or even duplicate targets.