Roblox Afk Bot Download

The #1 Way to Find Hacks & Cheats - Video Tutorial

This is a really simple idea, which I think all games could benefit from. When you type something like “afk” or “/afk”, it shows some text above your head, saying that you are afk. Also it will show some text next to your name in the leaderboard saying you are afk. This tool will allow you to stay AFK in ARK without beeing kicked! Even you are on a slotcapped server! Action interval. In what interval the Anti-AFK script should perform? The ingame ARK inventory key. Look down in pixel. This is used for fine-tuning when option “Move from chair” is.

HackerBot APK for Android is possibly the most useful app for anyone looking to hack Android games: It not only allows you to find hacked APKs, tools, bots and other cheats quickly, but protects you from untrustworthy sources as well. – NO ROOT is required.

HackerBot Features

- Finding legitimate cheats quickly, no spam.
- Learning how to hack games fast through videos and tutorials.
- Avoiding fakes, surreys, human verification ect.
- The best search engine for game cheats, modded APKs ect.
- Most trusted game cheating site for online games since 2014.
- Easy to use for any user.

About HackerBot APK has been around for many years and is run by Samuel Steiner (Administrator) and is run by LittleSquid GmbH from Switzerland. It is the #1 most trusted site for game hacking, bots and cheating in online games on every platform for quite some time.

HackerBot APK makes it easy to find cheats through their custom Search Engine that allows you to find legitimate cheats easily, as it only searches a list of well-moderated and trusted forums and sites for the cheat, hack, modded APK ect that you are looking for. – If you cannot find it on, then chances are the cheat you are looking for does not exist at all.

We recommend this app to anyone that is looking to get into game hacking, people trying to learn doing things themselves and even veterans that simply want to find mods quickly instead of having to go through Google and sort through all the fakes over and over to find some legitimate APK mods.


This tool will allow you to stay AFK in ARK without beeing kicked! Even you are on a slotcapped server!

Roblox afk bot download


Action interval

In what interval the Anti-AFK script should perform?

Inventory key

The ingame ARK inventory key


Look down in pixel

This is used for fine-tuning when option “Move from chair” is activated.

The below settings define what can will be executed when the interval hits:

Access inventory

This will access the inventory, keeps it open for a while and closes it again

Random mouse movement

This will move the mouse in a random direction and comes back to the original point

Move from chair and sit down again

The requirement for this action is that you actually sit on a chair. It will let you standup from the chair and walks backwards around 7-9 foundations (required until coords change)

Then it waits a bit, and walks back towards the chair. It will looks down sequential (based on pixels specified above) and scans for the text “Sit down” and will hit the key to sit down.

This action is mainly used when you are on a slotcapped server.

Send messages in local

This action will open the local chat and writes a random message from the below textbox. Each line in the box represents 1 message

Addtional settings outside of “Anti-AFK” tab

  • Auto Eat&Drink (Consumes food automatically after interval is reached)
    • Food hotkey
    • Drink hotkey
    • Drink & food interval
  • Starup time

How to use

  1. Select in “Run” tab the application “Anti-AFK”
  2. Change settings in “Anti-AFK” – tab if required
  3. Run the application with “Start” or with the hotkey specified in “Settings”
  4. Stop the application with the “Stop” button or hit the hotkey again.