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Essential Objects
How to create a hat on roblox ✅. Tutorial: How to create a helix along a 3D curve This is an entry for: There is no easy was to do. Visit our forum at:
ClassDescriptionPartA physical brick in the world.ModelA container for Parts.FolderA container for Scripts and value objects.ScriptA container for Lua source code.LocalScriptA Script that runs its code on a client.Basic math functions
OperationDescriptiona + b
Adds a
and b
.a - b
Subtract a
and b
.a * b
Multiply a
and b
.a / b
Divides a
by b
.a % b
Remainder of a
divided by b
Returns random number from 1
to n
(no negatives).math.random(a, b)
Returns random number from a
to b
Returns the largest number.math.min(...)
Returns the smallest number.math.floor(n)
Rounds n
Rounds n
Returns absolute value of n
Returns square root of n
Approx equal to 3.14159
It's important to work out problems by hand before translating their solutions into code. Algebra is necessary for success. Read about all math functions here.String functions
OperationDescriptiona .. b
Combine two strings.FunctionDescriptionstring.len(str)
Returns length of str
Returns str
in upper-case.string.lower(str)
Returns str
in lower-case.string.reverse(str)
Returns str
in reverse.string.rep(str, n)
Returns str
repeated n
timesstring.sub(str, a, b)
Return sub-string of str
from a
to b
.A string is a collection of characters, or text. An example of a string property is the Name
property. Read all string manipulation functions here.Tables
local list = {1, 2, 3}
local firstNum = list[1]
list[2] = 4
print('There are ' .. #list .. ' numbers')
local total = 0
for i = 1, #list do
total = total + list[i]
print('The total is ' .. total)
Tables are a collection of values. They are defined using curly braces {} with values separated by commas. Access the values inside using square brackets []. Tables are sometimes called arrays. Use a for loop to work with all items in a table individually. The :GetChildren() method returns a table of children in an object.Constants
Parent of all game services.workspace
Container for all bricks and models are stored.script
The currently running script.Finding Objects
Use a period to access an object's children. Use .Parent to access an object's parent. Use constants like game, workspace, and script to identify objects in the hierarchy.Creating objects
How do I create an object?
and setting the parent:object.Parent = parent
How do I access an object's properties?Use a period (.
How do I set an object's properties?Use a period (.
) and equals sign (=
):part.Transparency = .5
How do I destroy an object?Using object:Destroy()
How do I copy a preexisting object?Using object:Clone()
and setting the parent:newTree = workspace.Tree:Clone()
newTree.Parent = workspace
General Object Functions
Method nameDescription:FindFirstChild(name)
Return a child with name
or nil
if it doesn't exist.:WaitForChild(name)
Pauses until a child with a name exists and returns it.:IsA(className)
Return whether the object is a certain type of object.:Clone()
Makes and returns a copy of an object.:Destroy()
Permanently delete an object.:GetChildren()
Return a list of an object's children.These are functions (aka methods) for all classes of ROBLOX objects. Read about all methods here.Event basics
function onTouch(part)
print(part.Name .. ' touched me!')
Events are specific occurrences relating to objects. When an event fires, or occurs, all connected functions are called.Basic functions
Wait n
seconds then continue.print(...)
Display something in the Output window.Variables
local myScore = 5
myScore = myScore + 1
local myName = 'Ozzy'
print('My name is ' .. myName)
Variables store data of any kind - numbers, strings, tables, objects or nil (nothing). A local variable is only accessible in the block of code it is defined in.If statements
if workspace:FindFirstChild('Tree') then
print('There is a tree here.')
if coins < 5 then
print('You need more money.')
print('You have enough money!')
if player.Name 'Jake' then
print('You are an awesome guy, Jake')
elseif player.Name 'Sally' then
print('You are a sweetheart, Sally')
print('You are a pretty cool person')
If statements will run their code if the value between if/then is true (or not nil). They can one an else block, or any number of elseif blocks.Loops
Numeric for loopFor counting numerically.Example: Count from
to 5
:for i = 1, 5 do
Generic for loopMost often used for object children.Example: Print all children in object:
for i, child in pairs(object:GetChildren()) do
While loopPerform code until a condition is false.Example: Remove all children named 'Ball'
while object:FindFirstChild('Ball') do
Repeat-until loopPerform code once, then again until a condition is true.Ex.: Copy objects until there are 5.
newObject = object:Clone()
newObject.Parent = workspace
until #workspace:GetChildren() >= 5
Loops are used to iterate, or repeat code a number of times.Function examples
function sayHello()
print('Hello, world')
function addTwoNumbers(a, b)
print('The sum is:', a + b)
addTwoNumbers(3, 5)
function calculateSquare(n)
return n * n
local result = calculateSquare(3)
A function is a named block of code that can be run anywhere in code by calling it by name. Functions can have arguments (given values) and/or return values.sans undertale. today i review more freemodels on roblox.
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What is Roblox? ROBLOX is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on ROBLOX is designed and constructed by members of the community. ROBLOX is designed for 8 to 18 year olds, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore ROBLOX — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet-to-be-dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, ROBLOX members can earn specialty badges as well as ROBLOX dollars (“Robux”). In turn, they can shop the online catalog to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.
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