Warrior Simulator Roblox

Up to date game codes for UPD Warrior Simulator! 💪, updates and features, and the past Month's ratings. Pressure Studios created UPD Warrior Simulator! 💪 to be the coolest Roblox game of 2020. Warrior Simulator Codes - Roblox - New Updated List 8th April 2020 Rahul Solanki 0 A new and updated list of Warrior Simulator codes, most trending and popular simulation Roblox game has got some new codes to get free rewards.

Oct 6th, 2019
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  1. local inst = Instance.new(cls)
  2. inst[i] = v
  3. return inst
  4. local SaBerGUI = CreateInstance('ScreenGui',{DisplayOrder=0,Enabled=true,ResetOnSpawn=true,Name='SaBerGUI', Parent=game.CoreGui})
  5. local MainFrm = CreateInstance('Frame',{Style=Enum.FrameStyle.Custom,Active=false,AnchorPoint=Vector2.new(0, 0),BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),BackgroundTransparency=0,BorderColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),BorderSizePixel=1,ClipsDescendants=false,Draggable=false,Position=UDim2.new(0.526693225, 0, 0.457391292, 0),Rotation=0,Selectable=false,Size=UDim2.new(0, 212, 0, 182),SizeConstraint=Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXY,Visible=true,ZIndex=1,Name = 'MainFrm',Parent = SaBerGUI})
  6. local Title = CreateInstance('TextLabel',{Font=Enum.Font.Code,FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size18,Text='SABER SIM GUI BY YANIS#3392',TextColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),TextScaled=false,TextSize=18,TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),TextStrokeTransparency=1,TextTransparency=0,TextWrapped=false,TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,TextYAlignment=Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,Active=false,AnchorPoint=Vector2.new(0, 0),BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),BackgroundTransparency=0,BorderColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),BorderSizePixel=1,ClipsDescendants=false,Draggable=false,Position=UDim2.new(0, 0, 0, 0),Rotation=0,Selectable=false,Size=UDim2.new(0, 212, 0, 30),SizeConstraint=Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXY,Visible=true,ZIndex=1,Name='Title',Parent = MainFrm})
  7. local AutoFarm = CreateInstance('TextButton',{Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans,FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size14,Text='Auto Farm [OFF]',TextColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),TextScaled=false,TextSize=14,TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),TextStrokeTransparency=1,TextTransparency=0,TextWrapped=false,TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,TextYAlignment=Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,AutoButtonColor=true,Modal=false,Selected=false,Style=Enum.ButtonStyle.Custom,Active=true,AnchorPoint=Vector2.new(0, 0),BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),BackgroundTransparency=0,BorderColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),BorderSizePixel=1,ClipsDescendants=false,Draggable=false,Position=UDim2.new(0.0359079614, 0, 0.238316819, 0),Rotation=0,Selectable=true,Size=UDim2.new(0, 195, 0, 25),SizeConstraint=Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXY,Visible=true,ZIndex=1,Name='AutoFarm',Parent = MainFrm})
  8. local RemoteBuy = CreateInstance('TextButton',{Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans,FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size14,Text='Remote Buy',TextColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),TextScaled=false,TextSize=14,TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),TextStrokeTransparency=1,TextTransparency=0,TextWrapped=false,TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,TextYAlignment=Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,AutoButtonColor=true,Modal=false,Selected=false,Style=Enum.ButtonStyle.Custom,Active=true,AnchorPoint=Vector2.new(0, 0),BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),BackgroundTransparency=0,BorderColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),BorderSizePixel=1,ClipsDescendants=false,Draggable=false,Position=UDim2.new(0.0359079614, 0, 0.426258743, 0),Rotation=0,Selectable=true,Size=UDim2.new(0, 195, 0, 25),SizeConstraint=Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXY,Visible=true,ZIndex=1,Name='RemoteBuy',Parent = MainFrm})
  9. local AutoCoin = CreateInstance('TextButton',{Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans,FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size14,Text='Auto Coin [OFF]',TextColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),TextScaled=false,TextSize=14,TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),TextStrokeTransparency=1,TextTransparency=0,TextWrapped=false,TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,TextYAlignment=Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,AutoButtonColor=true,Modal=false,Selected=false,Style=Enum.ButtonStyle.Custom,Active=true,AnchorPoint=Vector2.new(0, 0),BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),BackgroundTransparency=0,BorderColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),BorderSizePixel=1,ClipsDescendants=false,Draggable=false,Position=UDim2.new(0.0359079614, 0, 0.615395606, 0),Rotation=0,Selectable=true,Size=UDim2.new(0, 195, 0, 25),SizeConstraint=Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXY,Visible=true,ZIndex=1,Name='AutoCoin',Parent = MainFrm})
  10. local Reload = CreateInstance('TextButton',{Font=Enum.Font.SourceSans,FontSize=Enum.FontSize.Size14,Text='Destroy GUI',TextColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),TextScaled=false,TextSize=14,TextStrokeColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),TextStrokeTransparency=1,TextTransparency=0,TextWrapped=false,TextXAlignment=Enum.TextXAlignment.Center,TextYAlignment=Enum.TextYAlignment.Center,AutoButtonColor=true,Modal=false,Selected=false,Style=Enum.ButtonStyle.Custom,Active=true,AnchorPoint=Vector2.new(0, 0),BackgroundColor3=Color3.new(0, 0, 0),BackgroundTransparency=0,BorderColor3=Color3.new(1, 1, 1),BorderSizePixel=1,ClipsDescendants=false,Draggable=false,Position=UDim2.new(0.0359079614, 0, 0.802082896, 0),Rotation=0,Selectable=true,Size=UDim2.new(0, 195, 0, 25),SizeConstraint=Enum.SizeConstraint.RelativeXY,Visible=true,ZIndex=1,Name='Reload',Parent = MainFrm})
  11. -- Some var
  12. local newvar = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  13. local hum = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart
  14. -- Draggable Form:
  15. MainFrm.Draggable = true
  16. -- Loaded message
  17. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification', {
  18. Text = 'Enjoy this shitty GUI :DDDD';
  19. })
  20. -- AutoFarm Function
  21. while AutoFarm.Text 'Auto Farm [ON]' do
  22. local Event = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage').Events.Clicked
  23. wait(0.5)
  24. wait(0.5)
  25. end
  26. AutoFarm.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  27. AutoFarm.Text = 'Auto Farm [ON]'
  28. else
  29. AutoFarmXYZ:Destroy()
  30. end)
  31. -- RemoteBuy Button
  32. hum.CFrame = CFrame.new(-6,2,11)
  33. hum.CFrame = CFrame.new(newvar)
  34. AutoCoin.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  35. AutoCoin.Text = 'Auto Coin [ON]'
  36. else
  37. AutoCoinXYZ:Destroy()
  38. end)
  39. -- AutoCoin function
  40. while AutoCoin.Text 'Auto Coin [ON]' do
  41. local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  42. for i,v in pairs(game.Workspace.CoinsHolder:GetChildren()) do
  43. if v and plr.Character:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and AutoCoin.Text 'Auto Coin [ON]' and v:IsA('MeshPart') then --may want to change meshpart to part if it's a part
  44. plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = v.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,1,0)
  45. end
  46. end
  47. Reload.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function()
  48. game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCore('SendNotification', {
  49. Text = 'Execute this script again to run SaBerGUI.';
  50. })
RAW Paste Data

Warrior Simulator Roblox Games

In this article, we will discuss Roblox Warrior Simulator Codes 2020. It’s an easy and free way to earn rewards in Warrior Simulator. we will provide a complete list of Codes for Roblox Warrior. I will not only provide you with a list of codes, but you will also learn how to use and redeem this code with the simple steps we provide.

About Warrior Simulator Codes

Warrior Simulator is a set of promo codes that have been released from time to time by game developers. These codes make your gaming journey fun and interesting. when you successfully redeem the code, you will get gold as a gift.

By using your reward redeem code, you can buy items. You can easily improve your game character and improve your gaming skills. As a result, you can last longer in the game and can score higher. And prepare to reach the top of the leader board.

Warrior Simulator Codes ( Active )

Get Robux and other prizes by redeeming the code that we provide below, the code may expire, so you must redeem it immediately.

  • joindiscord: Exchange them and you will receive 800k coins
  • ActiveWizard20K: Redeem and you will receive 150k coins
  • 63 MILLION: Exchange and you will receive 50k coins
  • 73M1LL1ON: Exchange and you will receive 100 thousand coins
  • SnugLife: Trade and you will receive a beginner pet
  • Winterwarrior: Exchange and you will receive 50k coins

Stay tuned and keep visiting our website because we will update it as soon as there is new code that has been tested

Warrior Simulator Codes ( Expired )

The code that we provide below is a code that used to exist but is now no longer available or expired, but don’t worry if you have redeemed the code you won’t lose what you got.

  • 40M!: Exchange and you will receive coins
  • new moon: Exchange and you will receive a lot of coins
  • 6 million: Exchange and you will receive a lot of coins
  • 1 million: Exchange and you will receive a lot of coins

How to Redeem Codes Warrior Simulator Roblox Game

How to redeem the code above is very easy first of all you have to enter in the game and you have to look for the Twitter logo and Click on the icon (left side of the screen) and then enter the code we gave above. Pay attention to the upper and lower case in the code because it is very updating, then click redeem and you’re done.


How to Play Warrior Simulator Roblox Game

Fight and defeat all kinds of enemies such as monsters, warriors and soldiers! Collect coins to upgrade your weapons and backpack! Unlock pets to help you on your way! Fight your way to the top and highest levels in warrior games and become a God of Warriors!

Recommended: Shoot Out Codes 2020

Thank you for visiting the Warrior Simulator Codes 2020 article above, if you have a topic please contribute. If you have questions or you are having trouble, please fill in the comments column that we have provided.