Feed And Grow Fish Requirements

Here are the Feed and Grow: Fish System Requirements (Minimum) CPU: Info; RAM: 2 GB; OS: Windows Vista; VIDEO CARD: Info; FREE DISK SPACE: 1 GB; Feed and Grow: Fish Recommended Requirements. CPU: Info; RAM: 4 GB; OS: Windows 8; VIDEO CARD: Info; FREE DISK SPACE: 2 GB.

  1. Feed And Grow Fish Minimum Requirements
  2. Feed And Grow Fish Free

New fish simulator Feed and Grow!

Hunt other fish and sea creatures, feed and grow into larger beasts!Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor and straight away you are ready to dive in to the mesmerizing world of Feed and Grow.

Full release date? Play beta now!

At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer and that's the main reason for the Early Access. We want to test it together with you and make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish and sea creatures, abilities and passives. Check it out now!

Controls and basics

It's quite simple, swim around, look for food and eat it. You might have to kill it first though.

  • [Mouse] - Rotate
  • [W] - Forward
  • [S] - Backward
  • [Left Shift] - Sprint
  • [Left Mouse button] [hold / release] - Bite
  • [Right Mouse button] [hold] - Eat
  • [Tab] – Menu / Pause

Few helpful insights

  • You can eat small tasty shrimps too – especially helpful for little „baby“ fish
  • To eat, open your mouth (hold Right Mouse button) and swim through food.
  • To attack / bite, open your mouth (hold Left Mouse button) and close it (release button) in front of something killable. In case you get stuck („bitten into something“), bite again to release yourself.
  • You can kill all kinds of fish, except for the ones of your own kind.

Should we add another tip? Tell us in reviews or forums on Steam!

Описание скоро

Hunt other fish and sea creatures, feed and grow into larger beasts!Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor and straight away you are ready to dive in to the mesmerizing world of Feed and Grow.

Full release date? Play beta now!

At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer and that's the main reason for the Early Access. We want to test it together with you and make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish and sea creatures, abilities and passives. Check it out now!


Controls and basics

It's quite simple, swim around, look for food and eat it. You might have to kill it first though.

  • [Mouse] - Rotate
  • [W] - Forward
  • [S] - Backward
  • [Left Shift] - Sprint
  • [Left Mouse button] [hold / release] - Bite
  • [Right Mouse button] [hold] - Eat
  • [Tab] – Menu / Pause

Few helpful insights

  • You can eat small tasty shrimps too – especially helpful for little „baby“ fish
  • To eat, open your mouth (hold Right Mouse button) and swim through food.
  • To attack / bite, open your mouth (hold Left Mouse button) and close it (release button) in front of something killable. In case you get stuck („bitten into something“), bite again to release yourself.
  • You can kill all kinds of fish, except for the ones of your own kind.

Should we add another tip? Tell us in reviews or forums on Steam!

Beschreibung bald verfügbar

Hunt other fish and sea creatures, feed and grow into larger beasts!Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor and straight away you are ready to dive in to the mesmerizing world of Feed and Grow.

Full release date? Play beta now!

At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer and that's the main reason for the Early Access. We want to test it together with you and make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish and sea creatures, abilities and passives. Check it out now!

Controls and basics

It's quite simple, swim around, look for food and eat it. You might have to kill it first though.

  • [Mouse] - Rotate
  • [W] - Forward
  • [S] - Backward
  • [Left Shift] - Sprint
  • [Left Mouse button] [hold / release] - Bite
  • [Right Mouse button] [hold] - Eat
  • [Tab] – Menu / Pause

Few helpful insights

  • You can eat small tasty shrimps too – especially helpful for little „baby“ fish
  • To eat, open your mouth (hold Right Mouse button) and swim through food.
  • To attack / bite, open your mouth (hold Left Mouse button) and close it (release button) in front of something killable. In case you get stuck („bitten into something“), bite again to release yourself.
  • You can kill all kinds of fish, except for the ones of your own kind.

Should we add another tip? Tell us in reviews or forums on Steam!

Opis już wkrótce

Feed And Grow Fish Minimum Requirements

Hunt other fish and sea creatures, feed and grow into larger beasts!Feed and Grow: Fish is an animal survival simulator in an amazing sea world. Start as Bibos or Raptor and straight away you are ready to dive in to the mesmerizing world of Feed and Grow.

Full release date? Play beta now!

At the moment the game is available via Steam on Early Access. It will include multiplayer and that's the main reason for the Early Access. We want to test it together with you and make it more awesome with new game modes, new playable fish and sea creatures, abilities and passives. Check it out now!

Controls and basics

It's quite simple, swim around, look for food and eat it. You might have to kill it first though.

  • [Mouse] - Rotate
  • [W] - Forward
  • [S] - Backward
  • [Left Shift] - Sprint
  • [Left Mouse button] [hold / release] - Bite
  • [Right Mouse button] [hold] - Eat
  • [Tab] – Menu / Pause

Few helpful insights

  • You can eat small tasty shrimps too – especially helpful for little „baby“ fish
  • To eat, open your mouth (hold Right Mouse button) and swim through food.
  • To attack / bite, open your mouth (hold Left Mouse button) and close it (release button) in front of something killable. In case you get stuck („bitten into something“), bite again to release yourself.
  • You can kill all kinds of fish, except for the ones of your own kind.

Should we add another tip? Tell us in reviews or forums on Steam!

Nová hra o rybkách – simulátor Feed and Grow

Feed And Grow Fish Requirements

Vydaj sa na lov rýb a ďalších morských tvorov a staň sa väčšou rybou! Feed and Grow: Fish je zvierací simulátor o prežitie v úžasnom podmorskom svete. Začínaš ako Bibos alebo Raptor a hneď môžeš skočiť do fantastického sveta Feed and Grow.


Kedy vyjde plná hra? Hraj cez Steam!

Momentálne je hra dostupná cez Steam na Early Access. Bude zahŕňať multiplayer a to je aj hlavný dôvod pre Early Access. Chceme ju otestovať spolu s vami a spraviť ju ešte úžasnejšiu s novými hernými mechanikami, novými hrateľnými rybkami a morskými tvormi, schopnosťami a pasívkami. Beta verzia by mala výjsť v priebehu Vianoc 2015!

Ovládanie a základy hry

Veľmi jednoduché, plávaj po svete, hľadaj jedlo a zjedz ho. Možno ho však budeš musieť najprv zabiť.

  • [Myš] - Otáčanie
  • [W] - Dopredu
  • [S] - Dozadu
  • [Ľavý Shift] - Šprint
  • [Ľavé tlačítko myši] [podrž / pusti] - Hrýzť
  • [Pravé tlačítko myši] [podrž] - Jesť
  • [Tabulátor] – Menu / Pauza

Pár nápomocných tipov

  • Môžeš jesť aj malé krevetky – tip najmä pre malé začínajúce rybky.
  • Aby si potravu zjedol, otvor ústa (podrž Pravé tlačítko myši) a preplávaj cez jedlo.
  • Aby si zaútočil / hrýzol, otvor ústa (podrž Ľavé tlačítko myši) a zatvor ich (pusti tlačítko) pred niečím, čo sa dá zabiť. Ak sa zasekneš (ostaneš „zahryznutý v niečom“), hryzni ešte raz a koristi sa pustíš.
  • Môžeš zabíjať všetky druhy rýb, okrem svojho (druh, za ktorý hráš).

Mali by sme pridať ďalší tip? Napíš nám na Steame!

Nová hra o rybkách – simulátor Feed and Grow

Vydej se na lov ryb a dalších morských tvorů a staň se větší rybou! Feed and Grow: Fish je zvířecí simulátor o přežití v úžasným podmořským světe. Začínáš jako Bibos nebo Raptor a hned můžeš skočit do fantastických vod Feed and Grow.

Kdy výjde plná hra?

Momentálně je hra dostupná cez Steam v Early Access. Bude v ní multiplayer a to je taky hlavní důvod pro Early Access. Chceme jí otestovat spolu s váma a spravit ju ješte úžasnejší s novými hernými mechaniky, novýma hratelnýma rybkama a mořskýma tvorma, schopnostma a pasívkami. Beta verzie by mala vyjít v průběhu Vánoc 2015.

Ovládaní a základy hry

Velice jednoduché, plávej po světe, hledej jídlo a sněz ho. Možná ho však budeš muset nejprve zabít.

  • [Myš] - Otáčaní
  • [W] - Vpřed
  • [S] - Vzad
  • [Levý Shift] - Šprint
  • [Levé tlačítko myši] [podrž / pusti] - Kousat
  • [Pravé tlačítko myši] [podrž] - Jíst
  • [Tabulátor] – Menu / Pauza

Pár nápomocných tipů

  • Můžeš jíst i malé krevetky – dobrý tip pro malé začínajíci rybky.
  • Aby jsi potravu sněz, otevři ústa (podrž Pravé tlačítko myši) a prepluj skrz jídlo.
  • Aby jsi zaútočil / kousal, otevři ústa (podrž Levé tlačítko myši) a zavři je (pusti tlačítko) před nečím, co se dá zabít. Ak se zasekneš (ostaneš „zakousnutý v něčem), kousni ješte jednou a kořisti jse pustíš.
  • Můžeš zabíjet všechny druhy ryb, kromě toho svého (druh, za kterej hráš).

Měli by jsme přidať další tip? Napíš nám na Steamu!

Archer fish (lat. Toxotidae) belongs to ray-finned fishes of monotypic family Toxotidae, that in order to feed spray water in the air or on the ground to shoot down insects and then eat them. The droplets hit so hard that insects fall into water, where they are quickly eaten by the fish. It seems that the fish faultlessly knows where its prey falls and goes there fast before other fish gets it or it will be carried away by the water flow.

Besides, archer fish similar to silver arowana can jump out of water to catch its prey, though not very high, just at its body length.

Habitat in the wild

Representatives of this fish kind are widespread in India, Australia, Polynesia, Philippines and Thailand. The fish inhabits freshwater (mainly lentic waters), mangrove, it can get into open sea where its water is freshened by rivers. This fish prefers shadowed areas with vegetation hanging low above the water.


The adult fish species grow to be about 30 cm (12 in) long. In a tank fish size is a bit smaller 12–18 cm (5–7 in). Their lifespan is up to 10 years.

Fish of this kind have body flattened from sides and a bit protrusive mandible. The body has bright silver coloring with 5-6 vertical stripes/spots. Due to its large eyes the fish can find insects that are above water, for example, when they are sitting on a tree leave not far from the water surface.

Archerfish is known for its sharp shooting, because it almost always hits the target. The fish ‘shoots’ for a distance 1-2 meters long depending on the fish size (the lager is the fish, the farther it ‘shoots’).

This fish becomes able to spray water when it is only 2.5 cm long. To ‘shoot’ its prey archer fish freezes near the water surface directly under its target and with an abrupt movement of its gill covers the fish directs water trough a small groove in the roof of its mouth and squirts a jet of water or some droplets depending on the position of its tongue.

The amount of squirted water depends on the prey size and the fish can repeat it several times. Fish can even jump out of water to catch its victim, if it’s not high above water, but squirting water is less energy consuming.

This kind of fish swims in small flocks, that’s why it rapidly catches its prey when it falls into water to act faster than its relatives. 90 % of its food fish finds in water like other fishes and when this isn’t enough is starts ‘shooting’ into everything that looks as food to it.

Difficulties in keeping

This fish is recommended to experienced aquarists. Archer fish are difficult to feed, since they instinctively look for food out of the tank, though in time they get used to feed in ordinary way like all tank fishes.

The adult fish species require brackish water with stable parameters.

Another problem is that the fish prefers live food and they like catching its prey themselves. Correspondingly, it a tank with fish there should be low water level and enough of free space above it.

As a rule the owners design such a tank as paludarium. In a tank of this kind the fish look more natural, it is more appealing and it is easier to feed the fish there just by putting insects on plants that grow above the tank water.

Care and keeping in a tank

It is acceptable to keep the fish both in aquarium and paludarium. The latter is more preferable in terms of natural way of the fish feeding. In case when you have a paludarium, create some vegetation hanging over the tank water and put future prey of archer fish there.

Recommended tank capacity starts from 500 liters (110 gallons) for several adult fish species, because this is quite large fish that prefers a company of its kind. To create optimal tank conditions it is advisable to keep the water level about several dozens of centimeters lower than tank top. This will allow the fish to ‘shoot’ its prey.

The tank lid should be safe (electrics may get wet) and always closed, since the fish can jump out of water.

Tank water should be brackish with salt concentration up to 15 grams per 1 liter of water. The fish juveniles successfully live in fresh water, though there are cases when adult fish species also dwell in fresh water for quite a long time.

The water flow in a tank should be of minimal power. The lighting can be bright or moderate depending on the tank plants you put. You can put any kind of tank bottom substrate, since fish swims close to water surface and it’s not crucial for it. Lots of snags can be put into the tank as decorations.


In the wild fish feeds on flies, spiders, mosquitoes and other insects, which they shoot down from the plants. Except this they eat juveniles, small fishes and larvae. In a tank fish eats live food, juveniles and small fishes.

The most challenging thing is to train the fish to eat sinking artificial food in a tank. However, the most interesting is to observe the natural way of the fish feeding. Actually, this is why aquarists keep this quite demanding fish.

To make the fish feed in its natural way aquarists resort to cunning, for example, they put crickets, flies or stick some food above water. At that the food should be high enough, otherwise the fish will just jump out of the water.

It is easier to do this in paludarium, but if you don’t have a chance to create it, you can choose the simple way of feeding the fish. Take a rod or something long and put there a cricket or other insect and put the rod above the tank water surface.

Feed And Grow Fish Free

Even if the fish misses its target, the insect will fall into the water and the fish will eat it. In general if your archer fish has got used to feed under water or from the surface, it won’t be a problem to feed it.

Compatibility and tank mates

In general this is a peaceful and calm fish, which by the way can eat its smaller sized tank mates.

Due to special conditions of the fish keeping, the range of compatible fish species is quite limited. Fishes capable to stand high water salinity will be a good choice in this case. But, usually, they are small sized and fish may treat them as food.

Intraspecies relations of fish species are based on domination of a stronger fish species. It is desirable to keep a group of at least 4-5 fish species. If there are less of them, the fish tends to demonstrate aggression.


Sexual dimorphism isn’t pronounced. It is unknown how to tell between the fish male and female.


Fsh is bred in fish hatcheries or caught in the wild. Since it is impossible to distinguish between the fish male and female, they are kept in large schools.

There was no reliable information recorded about fish breeding in home aquaria.

Sergey is a founder and author of Meethepet.com. He’s been fond of aquarium husbandry since his early childhood.

His favorite aquariums are biotopes (Amazon River), with Echinodorus and Angelfish. However, through the years he’s had experience of keeping almost all types of freshwater fish and shrimps.